Walk With the King Today

Walk With the King Today

Dr. Robert A. Cook was the president of “The King’s College” in Briarcliff Manor, New York and hosted the radio broadcast “The King’s Hour“. Below is a selection from the section; THE SPIRITUAL WALK-Dare to Pinpoint your prayers.

Recently while looking though my library for a specific book I came across a book by Dr. Robert A. Cook. He is now in the presence of the Lord his life’s work now finished. I remember listening to the radio years ago and hearing; “Walk With the King Today!” with cheerful voice, and it was such a blessing. He was an inspiration every day. Below are some practical pointers on prayer from Dr. Cook.

“Some say that if you’re a good enough Christian you’ll never have any trouble. Everything will always be all right. Even though you’re going through trials, you’ll always be chin up and smiling’

Well, I’ve found life is a little different from that. I’ve found that some of the best saints get discouraged and get upset. Paul, certainly no slouch at Christian living, said, “We would not have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life.”

You and I have said the same thing. We go through troubles, and we get upset by them We get tied in a bowknot with anxiety. We get to the point where we want to scream, ” I can’t stand it anymore.” That’s when we need to pray! James says, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray (James 5:13a) Pray when you’re in trouble.

Have you really prayed honestly to God about your trouble? A missionary friend told me (Dr. Robert Cook), about being evacuated during World War II from an island where he worked. He was put on a freighter which zigzagged through the desolate areas of the Pacific. They saw no other ships until one day they spotted the periscope of a submarine. “Lord,’ we prayed, ‘stop his motors, jam his torpedo tubes, break his rudder!” This man prayed pointedly and In detail. His life was at stake!

Do you want to take the sting and the steam out of trouble? Take it to God and pray it through. Don’t just say “Lord help me!” But pray through the situation. Analyze it; take it apart. Bring it to God piece-by-piece. Verbalize to God the fact that you’re hurting, you’re in trouble, you’re scared, you’re in danger or your world has fallen in around you. Your circumstances may not change, but you will be different. God will give you no detours out of your trouble. But he’ll do something to you to make you a different person in the trouble.

Pointed prayer is God’s method of getting things done. “In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6). Prayer is Worship; supplication is pleading; thanksgiving is praising the Lord. And this combination adds up to victorious praying. We need to pinpoint our needs before God.

From: “Walk with the King”, by Dr. Robert A Cook, pages 25 & 26. This book was published in 1978. If you find the book I would recommend the reading of it, it was a blessing to me.